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Saturday, December 28, 2013


Benjamin is our first official farm animal. He is a blue pearl French Angora buck. Benny is about a year old and came to use from another suburban farm in Denver. Benjamin is, well, a punk. I adore him but he is a pain in the butt. He was not handled much as a baby, apparently, because the breeder became allergic to her rabbits. Benny does not like to be touched when he is in his cage. DON'T touch him before he has had his morning veggies! I am not much of a morning person myself so I respect that. If Benny is in a bad mood he will challenge you and scratch at you. He has become more comfortable with me so he doesn't do it very often anymore but when he first came home with me I would put my kiln gloves on whenever I needed to put my hand in the cage. He would attack my hand but eventually figured out he wasn't bothering me so he gave up.
Once Benny is out of his cage he is calmer. I can put him on his grooming table and brush him out without any issues. I brush him out a couple of times a week so the knots don't get too bad but he will get a little impatient if I work on one spot longer then he feels is necessary. I just spin him back around on his lazy susan table and go back to work. Benjamin has a BEAUTIFUL coat. I think he is getting close to shed time.  This will be my first harvest and I am excited to see how much fabulous fiber I get. Hopefully he will be patient with me through the plucking process.

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