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Thursday, March 27, 2014


The second phase of the Tiny Heiny Farm has begun. We planted  kale and romaine seeds and they have sprouted! This is a first for us. We did not have any luck with seeds last year what with the not watering and all. This year I have done a lot of research and even taken a class. So far it is paying off. We will be succession planting every three weeks so we will be able to harvest through the fall. Next up... spinach!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The girls are growing up fast! They are six weeks old now and almost fully feathered.
It was warm enough outside this afternoon that we let them play in the animal pen for awhile. Being outside is new to them so they did not wander to far from us. After awhile they started scratching around, eating sand and pecking at weeds.

I thought Barbecue was going to be the skittish one but she has mellowed out and does not object to Addy picking her up and giving her kisses.

Fried objects loudly when you come near her. Hopefully she will grow out of that. She was super cute giving herself a dirt bath today. She is all preened and pretty.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


We have chickens! John's only requirement for letting us get the girls was that he got to name them. So their names are....wait for it....Barbecue and Fried.  I am not in love with the names but they are funny. I would have gone with something more traditional like Abigail and Henrietta.  We have had the girls for two weeks now and they are both about 3 weeks old.  Barbecue, the silver one, is a Blue Andalusian. She will lay white eggs and weigh about 5 pounds. Fried is an Ameraucana and she will be gold and black. She will lay green eggs and also weigh in at 5 pounds. The girls will be in the brooder in the basement until the beginning of May.
In the last couple of weeks I have learned:
1. Chicks grow incredibly fast. Everyday they are bigger with feathery-er (yes that is a word). Barbecue is already growing a comb.
2. Chicks can fly when they are 10 days old. Both of the girls have managed to fly out of the brooder box.  They looked as surprised as we did at the time. I have bought a bigger box and placed gutter guards over the top to allow ventilation but keep them in. Barbecue was actively trying to fly out today but I distracted her with a treat.
3. When you take a photo of them using a flash they will loose.their.minds. 
4. Instinct is amazing. Neither one has been around an adult chicken but they now how to fly, how to perch, and how to scratch for food.
5. I love coming up with little concoctions for them to eat. You have to get them used to all kinds of food when they are young or they wont eat it as adults. My favorite so far was the carrot, parsley, and garlic mash. They have also had scrambled eggs, oregano, and kale. As soon as I place the food in the brooder they  scratch and peck at it and have it spread from one end of the box to the other in seconds.
6. I don't know why but they remind me of dinosaurs. Maybe it's the eyes.
7 . Chicks like having their tummies rubbed.