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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Baby Update

Look at this sweet face!

The boys are almost two months old now and they are growing fast. Duncan was almost able to jump clear out of the bunny playpen today. Addy loves her Charlie bunny and cuddles with him every chance she gets. Duncan is a little too rambunctious for her so he is mine to cuddle with...okay and Daddy's too. We affectionately refer to him as Dunc-punk. He is going to be a trouble maker. Charlie is still mellow, except at feeding time. He has no problem sitting on his brother or in the food dish if that is what it takes to get to the food!

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Check out the pile of fiber I have combed off of Benjamin in the last week and a half!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Charlie and Duncan

The babies are here!
Duncan, the redhead, is a Satin/French Angora mix.

Charlie is a French Angora.
The boys are half brothers and are both 5 weeks old.
I got to name Charlie and Addy named Duncan. Duncan is named for a boy in her new favorite book "The Day The Crayons Quit."

We are calling our little rabbitry ABC Bunnies and naming each rabbit in alphabetical order. We are not aiming to make it to the letter Z but it is a fun way to come up with names and keep track of the order we acquired the rabbits.

We have only had them for the day but you can already tell they have very different personalities. Duncan is very curious. He will get in your face and crawl all over trying to investigate. Charlie is very mellow and will let you hold him for long periods of time. Charlie already has over an inch of fiber on him. I was told he was the biggest of the litter so hopefully he will turn out to be at least as big as Benjamin.

We will be keeping them together in the garage cage for awhile. I want them to be a little bigger before they move out to the outdoor hutch.
We have really enjoyed starting the new year snuggling baby bunnies!