My daughter LOVES animals and dreams of living on a farm. Anytime we pass an open parcel of land she asks if that could be the home of our future farm. We will not be moving to a farm in the foreseeable future but I am more than willing to turn our little quarter acre lot in suburbia into a hobby farm because I once had the same dream my daughter has. We daydream about the type of animals we will have on the big farm. So far we have agreed to have horses, alpacas, rabbits and miniature cows but we will not be raising any pigs. It is fun to daydream and that is probably as far as the big farm dream will go unfortunately. The little farm dream on the other hand is slowly becoming a reality.We were so excited to get started we bought out first "farm" animal a few weeks ago. His name is Benny and he is our first angora rabbit. I will introduce him in another post.
We have decided to raise angora rabbits for fiber and chickens for eggs. We will start a vegetable garden in the spring that will feed the animals and the family. I have never been a serious gardener and all my past attempts have not ended well. I am a chronic underwaterer ( that is probably not a word but I think you get the idea) and I am not a fan of bugs. That being said I would like my daughter to realize that food is not created at McDonalds and the supermarket. I want her to get a little dirty, be outside, and care for something other than her toys. I want us to eat from our garden, make our own bread and eat a simpler diet. I am looking forward to sharing this hobby with her and learning along side her.